Hello from Montana! So I'm having a huge dilemma: Do I update you all with the blog that may be public to other friends, or do I keep our 800+ message thread going on Facebook? I can't decide, because there is plenty of personal information to update you all on, and I can't figure out what to do with it all!
This is my first time vising this page, and I love it. Great job Kate! It's adorable! Why am I not surprised that the picture you decided to post of me may be one of the trampiest pictures around? Come on now, why can't I be a super-model like Elyse? :) Love it. I guess once a tramp, always a tramp, right? right!
Montana is amazing. Daily I am reminded of how bless we truly are to be here on earth. Aside from the basic principles we all know, war in heaven, CTR, etc, it is such a blessing to be here. Each Sunday Cam and I and friends go into the park for one reason or another, and it is absolutely breath-taking. There is so much beauty around, and its so close and often over-looked. I never realized how much I've taken for granted until I've been here. It is definitely a testament to me of the reality of a living God who loves his children so much that he would allow something this magnificent to be created for us to do whatever we want with it. The stars here are incredible, and the sunsets are amazing. I only get to see maybe one sunset a week (Sundays, because every other night I'm in the theater), and I am amazed each time. Hopefully in the next week or so I'll be able to wake up and see a sunrise. I hope you all get a chance to come visit me because it would make my life!
I just wrote a blog about this on my own blog, there's a link here to it if you just want to go read it, but this last weekend I haven't been as healthy as I would like, and even made a little trip to the emergency room in Rexburg! Sweet action, right?! NOT! But I'm doing better, and hope that all of you are experiencing great health and happy thoughts!
Sorry this is short, but I am at work and am shirking my other responsiblities. Bless you all! keep in touch--remember, I know all of you have my phone-number, and we should try using each other's numbers sometime! Peath Out.